
Saturday 14 April 2012

SPLEEN: Location, morphological and anatomical features.

Spleen is largest lymphoid organ, oval in outline and protected by thick firm fibroblastic capsule or Stroma containing a thin layer of smooth muscles in its inner portion.

External to capsule is serous coat which is derived from peritoneum; it is thin smooth and adherent to fibroblastic coat. Blood vessels enter and leave the spleen at a point called hilus, represented by capsular tissue projected inside. From the inner surface of the fibroblastic coat numerous small fibrous bands arise and are distributed in all the directions, they are called as trabeculae. Uniting of these trabeculae forms the frame work of the spleen. Therefore the spleen consists of a number of small spaces or areolae. Areolae are also called as spleen lobules. These areolae contain the spleenic pulp.

Fibroblastic coat and trabeculae are composed of white and yellow fibrous tissue. Large amount of WBC’S are found in blood of spleenic pulp. Spleenic pulp shows the presence of spleenic cells which show amoeboid movement. These cells often contain pigments and RBC in their interior. Nucleated red-blood corpuscles have also been found in the spleen of young animals.

Spleenic pulp contains a unique structure called germinal center which is surrounded by a typical white pulp, which is slightly differs from spleenic pulp.



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