PCR Definition
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a primer-mediated enzymatic amplification of
specifically cloned or genomic DNA sequences. This PCR process, invented more
than a decade ago, has been automated for routine use in laboratories
worldwide. The template DNA contains the target sequence, which may be tens or
tens of thousands of nucleotides in length. A thermostable DNA polymerase such
as Taq DNA polymerse catalyzes the buffered reaction in which an excess of an
oligonucleotide primer pair and four deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) are
used to make millions of copies of the target sequence. Although the purpose of
the PCR process is to amplify template DNA, a reverse transcription step allows
the starting point to be RNA.
Scope of PCR Applications
PCR is
widely used in molecular biology and genetic disease studies to identify new
genes. Viral targets, such as HIV-1 and HCV, can be identified and quantified
by PCR. Active gene products can be accurately quantitated using RNA-PCR. In
such fields as anthropology and evolution, sequences of degraded ancient DNAs
can be tracked after PCR amplification. With its exquisite sensitivity and high
selectivity, PCR has been used in wartime human identification and validation
in crime labs for mixed-sample forensic casework. In the realm of plant and
animal breeding, PCR techniques are used to screen for traits and to evaluate
living four-cell embryos. Environmental and food pathogens can be quickly
identified and quantitated at high sensitivity in complex matrices with simple
sample preparation techniques.
PCR Process
process requires a repetitive series of the three fundamental steps that
defines one PCR cycle: double-stranded DNA template denaturation, annealing of
two oligonucleotide primers to the single-stranded template, and enzymatic
extension of the primers to produce copies that can serve as templates in
subsequent cycles. The target copies are double-stranded and bounded by
annealing sites of the incorporated primers. The 3' end of the primer should
complement the target exactly, but the 5' end can actually be a non-complementary
tail with restriction enzyme and promotor sites that will also be incorporated.
As the cycles proceed, both the original template and the amplified targets
serve as substrates for the denaturation, primer annealing, and primer
extension processes. Since every cycle theoretically doubles the amount of
target copies, a geometric amplification occurs. Given an efficiency factor for
each cycle, the amount of amplified target Y produced from an input copy number
X after n cycles is;
Y = X (1 = efficiency) n
With this
amplification power, 25 cycles could produce 33 million copies. Every extra 10
cycles produces 1024 more copies. Unfortunately, the process becomes self-limiting
and amplification factors are generally between 105- and 109-fold. Excess
primers and dNTPs help drive the reaction that commonly occurs in 10 mM
Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.3 (at room temperature). In addition, 50 mM KCl is present
to provide proper ionic strength and magnesium ion is required as an enzyme
cofactor. The denaturation step occurs rapidly at 94–96°C. Primer annealing
depends on the Tm, or melting temperature, of the primer: template hybrids.
Generally, one uses a predictive software program to compute the Tms based on
the primer’s sequence, their matched concentrations, and the overall salt
concentration. The best annealing temperature is determined by optimization.
Extension occurs at 72°C for most templates. PCR can also easily occur with a
two-temperature cycle consisting of denaturation and annealing/extension.
Carryover Prevention
PCR has the
potential sensitivity to amplify single molecules, so PCR products that can
serve as templates for subsequent reactions must be kept isolated after
amplification. Even tiny aerosols can contain thousands of copies of
carried-over target molecules that can convert a true negative into a false
positive. In general, dedicated pipetors, pipet tips with filters, and separate
work areas should be considered and/or designated for RNA or DNA sample
preparation, reaction mixture assemblage, the PCR process, and the reaction
product analysis. As with any high sensitivity technique, the judicious and
frequent use of positive and negative controls is required for each
amplification. Through the use of dUTP instead of dTTP for all PCR samples, it
is possible to design an internal biochemical mechanism to attack the PCR
carryover problem. These PCR products are dU-containing and can be cloned,
sequenced, and analyzed as usual. Pretreatment of each PCR reaction with
uracil-N glycosylase (UNG), which catalyzes the removal of uracil from single-
and double stranded DNA, will destroy any PCR product carried over from
previous reactions, leaving the native T-containing sample ready for
Hot Start
PCR is
conceptualized as a process that begins when thermal cycling ensues. The
annealing temperature sets the specificity of the reaction, assuring that the
primary primer binding events are the ones specific for the target in question.
In preparing PCR amplification on ice or at room temperature, however, the
reactants are all present for nonspecific primer annealing to any
single-stranded DNA present. Because DNA polymerases have some residual
activity even at lower temperatures, it is possible to extend these misprimed
hybrids and begin the PCR process at the wrong sites. To prevent this
mispriming/misextension, a number of “Hot Start” strategies have been
developed. In Hot Start PCR, a key reaction component essential for polymerase
activity is withheld or separated from the reaction mixture until an elevated
temperature is reached. To separate an essential component from the reaction
mixture in order to delay amplification, the following techniques can be
Manual Hot
In Manual
Hot Start, a key reaction component such as Taq DNA polymerase or MgCl2 is
withheld from the original amplification mixture and added to the reaction when
the temperature within the tube exceeds the optimal annealing temperature,
i.e., above 65°–70°C.
Barrier Hot Start
In AmpliWax
PCR gem-facilitated Hot Start, reaction components are divided into two mixes,
and separated by a solid wax layer within the reaction tube. During the initial
denaturation step, the wax layer melts at 75°–80°C allowing the two reaction
mixes to combine through thermal convection.
Antibodies to DNA Polymerases Hot Start
polymerase-antibody Hot Start, a PCR preincubation step is added, during which
a heat-sensitive antibody attaches to the DNA polymerase [Taq or recombinant
Thermus thermophilus (rTth)] inactiving the enzyme within the reaction mixture.
As the temperature within the tubes rises, the antibody detaches and is
inactivated, setting the polymerase free to begin polymerization. 1.5.4.
Modified DNA Polymerases for Hot Start, i.e., AmpliTaq Gold from Applied Biosytems With AmpliTaq Gold,
Hot Start is achieved with a chemically modified Taq DNA polymerase. The
modification blocks the polymerase activity until it is reversed by a high
temperature, pre-PCR incubation (e.g., 95°C for >10 min). The pre-PCR
incubation links directly to the denaturation step of the first PCR cycle. So,
the reaction mixture never sees active polymerase below the optimal primer
annealing temperature. If the pre-PCR incubation is omitted, the modification
is reversed during the PCR cycling, and polymerase activity increases slowly.
In addition to a Hot Start, this provides a time release effect, where
polymerase activity builds as the DNA substrate accumulates.
Inhibitors of DNA Polymerases for Hot Start
polymerase-inhibitor Hot Start, DNA polymerase-binding oligonucleotides are
added to the PCR amplification, keeping the enzyme inactive at ambient
temperatures. Increasing the temperature dissociates the inhibitor from the
enzyme, setting it free to begin polymerization. Moreover, inhibition is
thermally reversible.
Achievements PCR has been used to speed the human genome discovery and for
early detection of viral diseases. Single sperm cells to measure crossover
frequencies can be analyzed and four-cell cow embryos can be typed. Trace
forensic evidence of even mixed samples can be analyzed. Single-copy
amplification requires some care, but is feasible for both DNA and RNA. True
needles in haystacks can be found simply by amplifying the needles. PCR
facilitates cloning of DNA sequences and forms a natural basis for cycle
sequencing by the Sanger method (17). In addition to generating large amounts
of template for cycle sequencing, PCR has been used to map chromosomes and to
analyze both large and small changes in chromosome structure.
PCR Enzymes
The choice
of the DNA polymerase is determined by the aims of the experiment. There are a
variety of commercially available enzymes to choose from that differ in their
thermal stability, processivity, and fidelity as depicted in Table 1. The most
commonly used and most extensively studied enzyme is Taq DNA polymerase, e.g.,
AmpliTaq DNA polymerase.
PCR Primers
are short oligodeoxyribonucleotides, or oligomers, that are designed to
complement the end sequences of the PCR target amplicon. These synthetic DNAs
are usually 15–25 nucleotides long and have approximately 50–60% G + C content.
Because each of the two PCR primers is complementary to a different individual
strand of the target sequence duplex, the primer sequences are not related to
each other. In fact, special care must be taken to assure that the primer
sequences do not form duplex structures with each other or hairpin loops within
themselves. The 3' end of the primer must match the target in order for
polymerization to be efficient, and allele-specific PCR strategies take
advantage of this fact. In screening for potential sequences and their
homology, primer design software packages such as Oligo® (National Biosciences,
Plymouth, NC) and online search sites such as BLAST (NCBI,, can be utilized. To screen for mutants, a primer
complementary to the mutant sequence is used and results in PCR positives,
whereas the same primer will be a mismatch for the wild type and does not
amplify. The 5' end of the primer may have sequences that are not complementary
to the target and that may contain restriction sites or promotor sites that are
also incorporated into the PCR product. Primers with degenerate nucleotide
positions every third base may be synthesized in order to allow for
amplification of targets where only the amino acid sequence is known. In this
case, early PCR cycles are performed with low, less stringent annealing
temperatures, followed by later cycles with high, more stringent annealing
temperatures. A PCR primer can also be a homopolymer, such as oligo (dT) 16,
which is often used to prime the RNA PCR process. In a technique called RAPDS
(randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs), single primers as short as decamers with
random sequences are used to prime on both strands, producing a diverse array
of PCR products that form a fingerprint of a genome (20). Often, logically
designed primers are less successful in PCR than expected, and it is usually
advisable to try optimization techniques for a practical period of time before
trying new primers frequently designed near the original sites.
T m
duplexes, such as primer-template complexes, have a stability that depends on
the sequence of the duplex, the concentrations of the two components, and the
salt concentration of the buffer. Heat can be used to disrupt this duplex. The
temperature at which half the molecules are single-stranded and half are
double-stranded is called the Tm of the complex. Because of the greater number
of intermolecular hydrogen bonds, higher G+C content DNA has a higher Tm than
lower G+C content DNA. Often, G + C content alone is used to predict the Tm of
the DNA duplex, however, DNA duplexes with the same G + C content may have
different Tm values. A simple, generic formula for calculating the Tm is: Tm =
4(G+C) + 2(A+T) °C. A variety of software packages are available to perform
more accurate Tm predictions using sequence information (nearest neighbor
analysis) and to assure optimal primer design, e.g., Oligo, BLAST, or Melt (Mt.
Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY).
Because the
specificity of the PCR process depends on successful primer binding events at
each amplicon end, the annealing temperature is selected based on the consensus
of the melting temperatures (within 2– 4°C) of the two primers. Usually, the
annealing temperature is chosen a few degrees below the consensus annealing
temperatures of the primers. Different strategies are possible, but lower
annealing temperatures should be tried first to assess the success of
amplification to find the stringency required for best product specificity.
PCR Samples
sample type may be single- or double-stranded DNA of any origin— animal,
bacterial, plant, or viral. RNA molecules, including total RNA, poly (A+) RNA,
viral RNA, tRNA, or rRNA, can serve as templates for amplification after
conversion to so-called complementary DNA (cDNA) by the enzyme reverse
transcriptase (either MuLV or recombinant, rTth DNA polymerase).
The amount
of starting material required for PCR can be as little as a single molecule,
compared to the millions of molecules needed for standard cloning or molecular
biological analysis. As a basis, up to nanogram amounts of DNA cloned template,
up to microgram amounts of genomic DNA, or up to 105 DNA target molecules are
best for initial PCR testing.
Overall, the
purity of the DNA sample to be subjected to PCR amplification need not be high.
A single cell, a crude cell lysate, or even a small sample of degraded DNA
template is usually adequate for successful amplification. The fundamental
requirements of sample purity must be that the target contains at least one
intact DNA strand encompassing the amplified region and that the impurities
associated with the target be adequately dilute so as to not inhibit enzyme
activity. However, for some amplifications, such as long PCR, it may be
necessary to consider the quality and quantity of the DNA sample.
For example,
1. When more
template molecules are available, there is less occurrences of false positives
caused by either cross-contamination between samples or “carryover”
contamination from previous PCR amplifications;
2. When the PCR amplifications
lacks specificity or efficiency, or when the target sequences are limited,
there is a greater chance of inadequate product yield; and
3. When the fraction
of starting DNA available to PCR is uncertain, it is increasingly difficult to
determine the target DNA content.
- Even though the PCR process has greatly enhanced scientific studies, a variety of problems with the process, easily revealed by ethidium-bromides-stained agarose gel electrophoresis, can and may need to be considered when encountered. For example, unexpected molecular weight size bands (nonspecific banding) or smears can be produced. These unexpected products accumulate from the enzymatic extension of primers that annealed to nonspecific target sites. Second, primer-dimer (approx 40–60 bp in length, the sum of the two primers) can be produced. Primer-dimer can arise during PCR amplification when the DNA template is left out of the reaction, too many amplification cycles are used, or the primers are designed with partial complementarity at their 3' ends. Note, an increase in primer-dimer formation will decrease the production of the desired product. Third, Taq DNA polymerase, which lacks the 3'-5' exonuclease “proofreading” activity, will occasionally incorporate the wrong base during PCR extension. The consequences of Taq misincorporations usually have little effect, but should be considered during PCR cloning and subsequent cycle sequencing.
- PCR amplification for user-selected templates and primers are considered “failures” when 1) no product bands are observed; 2) the PCR product band is multibanded; or 3) the PCR product is smeared. These “failures” can be investigated and turned into successful PCR by manipulation of a number of variables, such as enzyme and salt concentrations, denaturation and anneal/extend times and temperatures, primer design, and hot start procedures. When no desired PCR product band is observed, initially verify the enzyme addition and/or concentration by titrating the enzyme concentration. Second, the magnesium ion concentration is also critical, so care should be taken not to lower the magnesium ion molarity on addition of reagents (i.e., buffers containing EDTA will chelate out the magnesium ion). The denaturation and anneal/extend times and temperatures may be too high or too low, causing failures, and can be varied to increase reaction specificity. Finally, the chemical integrity of the primers should be considered. In cases where the PCR product band is multibanded, consider raising the anneal temperature in increments of 2°C and/or review the primer design and composition. If a smear of the PCR product band is seen on an ethidium-bromide-stained agarose gel, consider the following options initially, individually, or in combination: decreasing the enzyme concentration, lowering the magnesium ion concentration, lengthening and/ or raising the denaturation time and temperature, shortening the extension time, reducing the overall cycle number, and decreasing the possibility of carryover contamination. Finally, in PCR amplifications where the PCR product band was initially observed, and on later trials a partial or complete loss of the product bands is observed, consider testing new aliquots of reagents and decreasing the possibility of carryover contamination. For PCR amplifications using a modified DNA polymerase such as AmpliTaq Gold, poor product amplification can occur owing to inadequate activation of the Hot Start polymerase. Incubation time, temperature, and pH are critical for Hot Start polymerase activation. Contaminants added with the target, whether remnants from the sample’s source or artifacts of the sample’s preparation, can affect the PCR pH. Contaminants may also directly inhibit the polymerase. Hot Start polymerase activation begins during the pre-PCR activation step and continues through the PCR cycles’ denaturation steps. The temperature and duration of these steps and the total number of PCR cycles should be optimized. Additional PCR cycles may increase specific product yield without increasing background in a Hot Start PCR. Raising the temperature above 95°C for any PCR step may irreversibly denature the polymerase.
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